Runway Poultry

Runway Poultry in Abbotsford is a third-generation farm but focusing on eggs for the last two generations. The egg farm is managed run by Kevin Kootman who also gets help from his son, Tyson. Currently Runway Poultry houses around 15,000 birds that produce organic brown eggs. Kevin took over the farm in 2018 as part of a succession plan and since then has moved to a new location and built new barns.

Kevin recognized that getting into egg farming was a good opportunity for him. He enjoys caring for his birds as well as the innovative aspect of farming. Kevin prides himself in looking to see what consumers want in an egg and works to provide that for them. He likes seeing where the industry is going in the future and wants to do what is best and most natural for his birds.

In his spare time Kevin enjoys mountain biking and kayaking. If he could tell consumers anything it would be that it is important that people feel good about the product they are buying and that they can trust the birds are being well cared for and happy, as well as that the eggs are safe, nutritious, and good.